Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pixlr Graphics


 Free online photo editing program

Simple to use and a lot of Fun!

Before Pixlr
This is the image after using Pixler adjustments and filters. Don't I look "Distinguished"!
After Pixlr
Before Pixlr
This picture was extremely underexposed but I brightened the image and gave it more contrast using Pixlr.

After Pixlr
Creative Inspiration
These images were created from scratch using the colors, layers, and transparency feature in Pixlr.
Shadows Within
I used different brush patterns on a plain white canvas to create this image that I call Masquerade.

Before Pixlr
I titled this picture "Passion & Pleasure"! I found the colors and image to be quite exotic. I used the Pixlr color look-up feature under adjustments to alter the image.
After Pixlr


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