Saturday, January 17, 2015

GVCM: Chapter 2: Creating Tables and Graphs

Student Number:
ISM 4011: Introduction to Information Systems
Graphics and Visual Communication for Managers (GVCM)
Chapter 2: Creating Tables and Graphs
DIRECTIONS: Read the chapter first, then:
1. Answer the questions as indicated below in the space under the question.  Answers may be found in the appropriate chapter of your GVCM textbook.
2. Change your answers to blue so they can be easily distinguished from the questions.
3. Create a new blog post and copy this information into the post.
4. Once it is pasted into your blog, select all the text (CTRL A) and change the font to TREBUCHET.
5. Change the TITLE of the post to: GVCM: Chapter 2: Creating Tables and Graphs
1. How can tables and graphs be useful to readers?
Note: Excel uses the term chart for graph.
Tables and graphs can be useful to readers by allowing the reader to process information faster and more efficiently than if expressed by words alone.

2. List four criteria for successful graphics:
  1. The graph should be useful.
  2. The graph should be understood easily and quickly.
  3. The graph should be designed efficiently.
  4. The information in the graph must be true.

3.  Briefly explain this principle of graphic design: Design for a purpose
The principle of "Design for a purpose" in graphic design addresses the questions of:
  •  “What is the designer attempting to show graphically? And Why is he/she trying to show it?”

4.  Briefly explain this principle of graphic design: Be explicit
The graph or table should be able to be understood quickly and the information should be coherent and to the point.

5. Briefly explain this principle of graphic design: Maximize data ink; minimize non-data ink
This principle expresses the concept that all non-essential information and design features should be eliminated and the most pertinent information should be included so that the graph is easier to read.

6. Briefly explain this principle of graphic design: Ensure integrity
This principle of ensuring integrity states that the information in the graph must not only be true but presented in a way that eliminates the possibility of being distorted.

7. Define the following table terms:
  1.  body: the rectangular area containing data values; it is the core of the table.
  2.  cell: the intersection of a vertical column and a horizontal row.
  3.  footer:2 a row that summarizes all the rows in a data table.
  4.  rules: horizontal or vertical lines that are sometimes used to separate header  rows from the body of a table or separate data values within a table.
  5.  grids: a system of intersecting horizontal and vertical rules.

8. Describe the purpose of each of these types of tables:
  1.  reference table: meant for reference; gathers large amounts of data
  2.  decision table: designed to help you make a decision
  3.  message table: created to convey a specific message or provide a specific insight  into the data

9. List at least five best practices in designing tables:
  1. Title each table
  2. Number tables when you have multiple tables
  3. Eliminate heavy grid lines
  4. Minimize shading
  5. Keep table design consistent

10. Define the following graph types:
  1.  pie chart: shows the relative size of parts of one item
  2.  bar chart: compares multiple items, according to a single characteristic
  3.  column chart: displays changes in one or more items over time, with a few  observations
  4.  line chart: displays changes in one or more items over time, with many  observations
  5.  histogram: displays how groupings fall into a series of progressive ranges
  6.  scatter plot: displays correlation between two variables with a large data set

11. List at least five best practices in designing graphs:
  1. Use color or shading to emphasize one point in time more than others
  2. Provide value labels whenever possible
  3. When designing a pie chart limit segments to five or less
  4. When designing bar charts add value labels at the ends of bars
  5. When designing column charts make sure the space between the columns narrower than the width of the columns

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