Sunday, January 11, 2015

ISM 4011 Introduction

Name: Tyrone Simpson

Student Number: x00074194

Course: ISM 4011: Introduction to Management Information Systems

I am taking this course to fulfill the curriculum requirements for the Bachelor of Applied Science: Supervision and Management degree program.

I hope that this course will help me to improve my overall computer skills as well as teach me how to better communicate using digital media.

The most valuable thing that I have learned in my academic program so far is to never procrastinate and that developing a clearly defined plan is critical to success.

I am currently a Senior in the BAS program and I anticipate graduating in the Fall of 2015. I am an ordained Christian minister, husband, and father. I love fig newtons, watching the news, and of course preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What can I say; I live a simple but very fulfilling life.


I understand that this blog is a reflection of my own professional image, as well as that of South Florida State College.

By publishing this blog, I assert that I will always act with academic integrity regarding the information and images I post. I will strive to create posts which are professional, effective, and attractive. I will not post inappropriate text or images on this blog at any time.

I understand that I am not permitted to share this blog or any posting information with other students in this course except where collaboration posts are permitted or with students who may take this course in the future.

If I post inappropriate material and/or share posting information with other students, I understand that I may receive a failing grade for the course for engaging in inappropriate academic behavior.

I will immediately remove anything from a blog post which the instructor deems inappropriate.

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