Monday, January 19, 2015

GVCM Chapter 3: Using Color

Name: Tyrone Simpson
Student Number:
ISM 4011: Introduction to Information Systems
Graphics and Visual Communication for Managers (GVCM)
Chapter 3: Using Color
DIRECTIONS:  Read the chapter first, then:
1. Answer the questions as indicated below in the space under the question.  Answers may be found in the appropriate chapter of your GVCM textbook.
2. Change your answers to blue so they can be easily distinguished from the questions.
3. Create a new blog post and copy this information into the post.
4. Once it is pasted into your blog, select all the text (CTRL A) and change the font to TREBUCHET.
5. Change the TITLE of the post to: GVCM Chapter 3: Using Color
1. Define the following properties of color:
  1. Hue-the visual colors that we see
  2. Value-how light or bright the color is
  3. Saturation-the intensity of the color; how pale or strong it is

2. Describe the traits (both positive and negative) often associated with three of the colors described in this chapter:
  1. Yellow- (Friendly and Cowardly)
  2. Orange- (Creative and Outrageous)
  3. Green- (Natural and Greedy)

3.  What is the significance of cultural context with regard to color?
Colors can have varying meanings within different cultures.

4.  What is the significance of physical context with regard to color?
Colors are never isolated and when making color selections you must consider the color in relation to other colors.

5. What are some design concepts to keep in mind when choosing gray-scale or choosing color?
When choosing gray-scale make the value of the grays at least 20% different from each other. When choosing color make sure that the colors will be distinguishable in either print media or video media.

6. List five methods to use color strategically:
  1. In a graphic put the most important information in the strongest color.
  2. Use simple color changes to illuminate a point.
  3. Symbolize ideas with color (ex. Red=fire).
  4. Differentiate data items with different colors.
  5. Identify similar data items by making them the same color.

7. Briefly describe the following types of color systems:
  1. RGB-(Red, Green, Blue) color model used in computers and television screens
  2. HSL-(Hue, Saturation, Lightness) color model used for digital projection
  3. CMYK-(Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black)-describes all colors as a mixture of the four ink colors; used in printing for full color documents
  4. Pantone-(Pantone Matching System)-the definitive international reference for selecting, specifying, matching and controlling ink colors.
  5. Hexadecimal-six character codes are used to specify colors for websites. The hexadecimal [“hex”] numbers are translations of the RGB values for these colors.

8. Why is it recommended that you be consistent and conservative when choosing a color palette for a business or a project?
Utilizing a simple and consistent color palette will reduce visual clutter and help guide the viewer through the document or presentation in a clear and even manner.

9. List and briefly describe five things to consider when choosing a color palette:
  1. Corporate branding-does the color palette reflect the colors of the organization.
  2. Psychological and cultural meaning-know how the choice of colors will be interpreted by your audience.
  3. Surrounding colors-always consider that individual colors will be affected by other colors around them.
  4. Emphasis-when using colors to add emphasis, be sure to use a palette that combines highly saturated colors with less saturated colors.
  5. The need to print in black & white-depending upon whether or not the document will be printed in limited color or black and white, choose color variations with different values and saturation so that their gray-scale equivalents will look different.

10. On page 43, the textbook authors assert that with regard to visual communication, color has power. After reading this chapter, in what ways can you utilize this power in your business communications?
  • The power of color can be used in business communications to express ideas quickly and efficiently. 
  • Color can be used to distinguish important data from other information. 
  • Also, color can be used to add tone and character to the document while simultaneously conveying emotion without the use of words. 
    • As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”; and in my opinion, color is the language of those words.

11. What could you do if you must choose a color palette for a business or project but have no experience or talent for picking appropriate colors?
  1. Solicit the help of a graphic designer
  2. Use the varying color tools available on the Internet (ex. Color Schemer On-Line or Traumwind Color Match)

12. Traumwind Color Match: Conduct a Google search for the term TRAUMWIND COLOR MATCH. Go to the TRAUMWIND site. What is the purpose of this site?
Note: On page 54, the book lists other sites which can help you select a color palette.
 The purpose of this site is to help an individual create a color palette to use in creating a webpage.

13. Try out TRAUMWIND:
a. Enter this value in the Traumwind color number box:  #B3F2FF   (do you see the 6-color palette that is created?)
b. Now enter a different 6-digit number into the box (Traumwind may change the number to a “web safe” color number that is close to the number you select). Experiment entering numbers until you find a color palette that you find attractive.
c. Screenshot:
1. Once you create a Traumwind color palette that you like, press the PRINT SCREEN button on your keyboard to copy the Traumwind screen onto the Clipboard.
3. Open MS PAINT and paste the screenshot image into PAINT (CTRL-V).
4. Save the image with an appropriate name into your GRAPHICS folder. 
5. Once you copy this document into your blog, insert the image of your screenshot into the space below.
My Traumwind Color Palette: 

14. Design Seeds: Go to the following web site:
Design Seeds is another web site for you, the graphic designer to help you find color schemes for your work (web sites, documents, images, logos, etc.). Click on the PALETTE SEARCH and then click on a THEME from the list of themes. Scroll through the palettes until you find one that you like (if you don’t like any of them, try a different theme). Take a screenshot of the palette and paste it here:
Theme (what theme does your palette come from?): Flora Palet
My Design Seeds Color Palette:

Roll your cursor over the color chips on the right side of the color scheme (under the SEE SIMILAR COLORS). What does the “tool tip” that pops up indicate? Why is this useful to designers? Try clicking on a color chip. What does it do for you?
The tool tip indicates the hexadecimal number. This is helpful for designers by allowing them to select or create appropriate palette colors when using websites like Traumwind.

When clicking the color chip the sight automatically retrieves other color palettes and themes similar to the specific hexadecimal number.

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